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Other Random Time Lapse Vids

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago

Construction TimeLapse

TimeLapse of some big ass tractors laying sewer pipe in the road in front of my barn. I set my Powershot S3 IS up looking out of my barn and as they dug away. They laid the pipe about 25 feet down... Noisy as hell, and they start at about 6am in the morning.. but it's kind of cool to watch how they pull it off.. 3 scoops is all it takes to fill up one of those trucks.

Burning the Leaves

It was a nice autumn day last year and I had a big pile of leaves to burn. It was pretty smoky and  kind of a bastard to start..
A little ventilation with the leaf blower, about a gallon and a half of old bad gas and some wood to provide some real fuel and it got going pretty well...

The clouds are kind of cool as they mutate and roll by...
Then there's an evening calm where the smoke lays on the ground like mist..


Cityview Charter School 2008 Auction in 3 minutes

Raised almost $20,000!

The camera took a picture every 10 seconds during the auction... about 1680 photos total.

Cityview Charter School 2008 Auction in 3 minutes



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