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Here's a timelapse of the New York Skyline out of the living room window.
I cranked up CHDK on my Powershot A560, and it clicked every 30 seconds at medium resolution... I wanted to get 24 hrs uninterrupted on my 4gb sd card.
The Clock on the Met Life Tower.
While I was working on the skyline timelapse, the second day, I didn't check the resolution, and ended up with a series of high res shots... (unfortunately the SD card filled up at about 3:40am) I took these and cropped out the clock in the Met Life Insurance Tower, and made this one...
Kind of cool, you can see the crane and the construction elevators working on the building to the left. and the flags flying in the forground.
I set the camera up in another window looking down at the corner of Bleeker and La Guardia in the east village. I thought it would be cool to get a more detailed view of life in the city, so I clicked every 5 seconds for 2 solid days... 16,000+ shots... Turns out life in front of Senior Swanky's just goes by pretty dang fast... 90 miles an hour, girl, is the speed I drive..
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