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Saved by PBworks
on April 18, 2008 at 2:43:51 pm

The BeaverCam

The BeaverCam is a video security camera that I've set up to watch various critters that live and wander around by the little beaver pond on

the back of our property (in Oregon). The Cam is hooked up to a linux box with a video capture card and it takes snap shots every 20 seconds.

The software I use is a very cool motion detection package called Motion.


As the name suggests, I originally set it up to try to catch glimpses of the small family of beavers that maintains the pond.

The Dam is about 50-60 feet across, and they have a little den on the other side of the creek.


Here's a little clip of a beaver chewing on a log:


Originally, I had the beavercam set up watching the pond, and did about a year's worth of timelapse.

Here is the entire month of march (2006) .. and daily



After a while, I started concentrating on trying to catch critters on the beavercam...


I started baiting the beavers with curly willow trimmings, they seem to enjoy that quite a bit...


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