
Astro Time Lapse

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago


Higher resolution video on here on Archive.org
Cinepack is full resolution

Long Exposure TimeLapse (65 second exposures)

This is my first try at long exposure timelapse at night.
It was far from a perfect night... but there are moments where you see the stars..
I mostly just wanted to let it run for a night and see how it looked.
I'm using a Canon Powershot A560 that's using CHDK to take 65 second exposures and do the timelapse. This version is using the raw exposure (also thanks to CHDK).
The jpgs, which used auto white balance had a very blue tint to them.
My processing sequence went something like: raw .CRW -> dcraw -> png -> virtualDub
I used a few filters in virtualDub to adjust the levels and the overall color.
Exposure info: 65 seconds, ISO 200, F2.59(according to EXIF)
I left a 60 second delay between shots to let the ccd cool down.

Higher resolution video on here on Archive.org

Cinepack is full resolution

This is the second try a couple nights later. I uploaded both the straight jpg version, and then another where I adjusted the levels and color to try and bring out the stars a little better.

The aspect ratio on this is messed up, the original is in 'portrait' orientation, but the archive.org processing scaled it to 'landscape'.. so orion looks a little too short/fat..

Lunar Eclipse 8/28/2007

This was an attempt to capture the eclipse on 8/28/2007. I used CHDK with my camera mounted on an orion Atlas mount.

I think the eclipse was at around 3am, and I had to work the next day, so I wanted to try and get it to capture the whole sequence while I slept...  It kind of worked..  the main problem was that I wanted to use auto-exposure so that it wouldn't be completely over-exposed before and after totality, but still have a nice exposure during totality...  I had to use the spot exposure setting in order to get good results, but that meant that the moon had to stay inside the little box in the center of the viewfinder. You can see a couple of places where it moved out of the spot area and it got really bright.  I think my batteries died, or my tracking was off, so I didn't actually get much totality.


In the CHDK forums, there was some talk of dynamically setting the exposure inside of a uBasic script.. I might try to get that working for the upcoming eclipse.


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